
Everyday Drabbles #1049: Dawn of the Final Day

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The hero sat on the cliff and watched the Sun rise over the ocean.
It had been a long quest, but it was finally over. After many trials, he’d saved the world. He could finally rest.
He sipped his coffee as he watched the Sun climb into view, making the water below shimmer and glow.
Suddenly, the Sun stopped. It hung just over the horizon, casting long shadows.
The hero sighed. Stories ended, but there was always another one waiting in the wings. He’d probably have to fix this one too.
He hoped he had time to finish his coffee.

Thank you for reading!

When I began Everyday Drabbles at the end of 2018, I didn’t have a plan for how long it would continue. It was just a little morning exercise, something to get my fingers moving. I started publishing on Wattpad, then moved to WordPress, Facebook, and Substack. I never expected to create enough material to create a collection, much less write over a thousand little stories.
But the time has come to put Everyday Drabbles to rest. New stories are calling, but I want to say thank you to all of you, the readers who have been with me along the way, for providing feedback, encouragement, and accountability.
I hope these stories have brightened your day. I hope they made you laugh, or sigh, or provided a tiny break from the troubles or worries of your daily life.
I’ll be announcing new projects soon, but the meantime you can continue to read weekly entries in my light-hearted heroic fantasy series, The Freelance Hunters, along with reviews and announcements on my blog at HughJODonnell.com.
Writing is by and large a lonely enterprise, and I was happy to have all of you come along on this journey.
Hugh, sitting with a cup of coffee on a rainy Saturday morning.
December 30, 2023

Everyday Drabbles #1048: Seasonal Flight

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He sat in the launch bay and waited for orders. His mech made its usual standby noises. The hisses and pings were almost comforting.
Out in the distance, he could see the raging battle. An occupied rebel asteroid was on an Act-of-God trajectory, and it was up to him and his comrades to stop it before impact became an inevitability.
His chronometer blipped out the time, setting the mission clock. LST was midnight, December 24th. He should be home, but once again he was stuck working over the holidays.
Why did they always have to pull these stunts on Christmas?

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1047:

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Word came down that they were automating the factory, and the elves whispered nervously to each other in their ancient, magical tongue. The big man called a meeting to allay their fears.
“There will be no cuts,” he explained. “But we need to ramp up production to meet the demand. There are too many children in the world. We can’t do things by hand anymore. There will be a place for everyone here.”
At first, the elves were relieved. But when they saw the new toy designs, they realized they were made by AI. The ensuing strike nearly cancelled Christmas.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1046: Beneath the City

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Everyone knew about the tunnels underneath the city. But aside from some kids who recorded themselves exploring the upper levels, they were sealed, and their original layout and purpose had long been lost and forgotten.
Eventually, a campaign was launched to excavate the lower tunnels and find out what was down there. The mayor reluctantly agreed, but insisted that remote drones be sent down first.
The structures descended further than anyone expected, revealing perfectly preserved ancient buildings and beautiful, if strange, statuary.
When something off-screen destroyed all of the cameras within a few seconds, the mayor ordered the tunnels resealed.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1045: Imperial Guard

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When Henry enlisted, he through he would make any sacrifice to serve the Emperor. And he did, through endless space and surface battles.
Serving in the Imperial Guard was the highest honor he could have hoped for. But Henry hadn’t expected the surgery. His limbs were replaced with cybernetic enhancements, directly under the Emperor’s control.
His nerves shot endless lightning bolts of pain, vainly attempting to reconnect to missing flesh, while he stood at attention for a man who didn’t even see him.
Someday, Henry would get the codes to free himself, and show the Emperor what real sacrifice was.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1044: Green Apocalypse

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The wasteland Sun blazed overhead. She checked the gauge and sighed. Her truck still had half an hour left to charge.
On the horizon, a cloud of dust said that she was about to have company. She pulled out her scope and confirmed the worst: raiders, and they’d get to the station well before she was done. She reached into the truck’s bed and pulled out her shotgun. There was a trick to appearing to tough to be worth bothering with, but not so strong as to seem a threat.
She cursed herself for buying electric just before society collapsed.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1043: Snowbird

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The little bird sat on the snow-covered branch, twittering madly and trying to keep itself warm. The girl in the red coat felt bad for it. The first snow had caught it by surprise, and it had missed its chance to fly south.
She crept up on it, silencing the crunch that her boots made in the fresh powder. She didn’t want the poor thing to spook and fly away.
Slowly, she reached a pale hand towards the shivering creature. With one swift motion she grabbed the bird and snapped its neck. She felt bad, but she was hungry, too.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1042: The Family Cookie Recipes

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The recipe cards for the family Christmas cookies had been passed down through the generations on yellowing index cards. They were one of his most treasured possessions.
He loved baking not just because it gave him a connection to his lost family and his own treasured memories, but because it was a skill he pass down to his own children, who eagerly volunteered to help.
When his eight-year-old daughter ruined the cards by spilling juice on them, he was devastated.
But he found a greater connection and joy remaking them from wit and memory than he’d ever had following directions.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1041: The Drifter in Red

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The stranger wandered into the saloon on a snowy evening, looking no different from all the other passing drifters. Except his hat and duster were red and lined with white fur.He sat down at the poker table and put up his stake. He was friendly and garrulous, and after a few hands, things started to go his way.At midnight he rose fro his seat, tipped his hat, and disappeared into the night. The other players followed him outside and found only a few lumps of coal waiting where he’d stood.That’s when they remembered it was Christmas Eve.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

Everyday Drabbles #1040: Cocoon

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She felt the change come upon her and cocooned herself, hiding in a safe and hidden spot hanging from a hard to reach branch.
Once she was secure and the imperative could no longer be ignored, she let herself go.
She dreamed of what she might become. She didn’t know if she would be beautiful, or graceful, or terrible or powerful. She didn’t know if she would have jewel-scaled wings or poisonous dust. She didn’t know if she would have barbs or fangs or fuzzy antenna. She didn’t know what the change would be.
So she decided she’d take everything.

The Mountain’s Shadow is now available from Amazon and Smashwords!

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